The Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA)
is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration and maintenance of automobiles and automotive history.
It is the country's oldest and largest automotive historical society.
Business Meetings of the Gulf Coast Region AACA Tracy Gee Center, 3599 Westcenter Drive, Houston, TX.
Meetings begin at 7:30 PM on the second Monday of each month except February, July and December when special activities are scheduled.
First Year Director Position 1** Julie Palmer Wagoner
First Year Director Position 2** John Doerfler
Committee Assignments (non-voting)
Club Historian (open)
Club Hostess Sandra Johnston
Sunshine Reporter Diana Forbes
2021 Gulf Coast Region AACA Officers and Board of Directors
President Jim Johnston
Secretary Elaine Bullard
Past President Robert Bullard
Vice President Ron Stein
Treasurer Ev Timmins
Pate Director Wayne Bartlett
Alternate Pate Director Robert Wheeless
Second Year Director Position 1* Julie Wagner-Palmer
Second Year Director Position 2* Ashley Griffin
First Year Director Position 1** John Doerfler
First Year Director Position 2** Leon Ahlers
Committee Assignments (non-voting)
Mini Tour Chairman Robert McLellan
Club Historian (open)
Club Hostess Sandra Johnston
Sunshine Reporter Diana Forbes
*The Second Year Director positions are one-year terms filled by members who ascended to those
positions from the previous year serving in First Year Director positions.
**The First year Directors positions are two-year term positions and will ascend to a Second year
position the following year.