B y : T H O M A S A . K I D D
H o u s e s
P o e m s
R e c e n t S k e t c h e s
O l d S k e t c h e s
I n v e n t i o n s
H o u s e s
01 - Idea 1
(date unknown)
02 - Idea 2
Front elevation.
(date unknown)
4 sides elevations.
(date unknown)
Foundation plan.
Feb 24, 1983
Garage plan (right side of first floor).
April 20, 1983
1st floor plan (left side of first floor), including electrical plan.
Jan 27, 1983
2nd floor plan (left side of house). and door & window schedules.
Feb 27, 1983
Perspective close-up, as viewed from the N.E.
April 4, 1983
Perspective close-up, as viewed from the N.W.
April 4, 1983
Perspective together.
April 4, 1983
03 - Idea 3
Unknown for sure, but possibly the ceiling joist plan for house idea 2, left side of first floor.
(date unknown)
04 - Atrium House
Floor Plan. Based on Mike Jetty's house in Glen Brook, S.E. Houston, circa 1976.
May 20, 1984
Foundation Plan.
June 11, 1984
Plot Plan. Atrium house placed on 9230 West Sterling, Pearland, Texas (aka Lot 2-F, Sterling Estates II).
April 8, 1984
05 - A-Frame House
Floor plan.
May 20, 1984
Foundation Plan.
June 11, 1984
Atrim Foundation Plan
06 - W. Brandi
Various Elevations and Plot Plan.
Summer 2023
test 1
test 2
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